Ask Dr Kan Show

askdrkanshowwithsocialHave you ever gotten the run around and lack of helpful information from your doctor about your health condition?  Do you get information overload from health information on the internet and you are not sure what to listen to?

Get your questions answered on the AskDrKan Show!
Ask Dr. Kan your questions live!
This is your chance to get straight and up to date information on natural health.  Separate the facts from the fiction.  Email your question ahead of time or ask it live on Periscope or Facebook.  It’s like having a family member that is an expert in nutrition, neurology, and functional diagnostic testing, that you can hit up for trustworthy and accurate answers.
Join Episode 1 of the AskDrKan Show!
Monday May 2nd at 12:30PM
In addition to answering questions, Dr. Kan will discuss causes of fatigue and what you can do about it that will have immediate benefit.
Join Periscope @askdrkan
Join Facebook @hopeintegrativewellness
Email your questions ahead of time to [email protected] and get your questions answered first.
Invite your friends and family to get their questions answered live!

Learn the BIG idea that is sweeping functional medicine and healthcare and is the key to solving chronic brain symptoms, immune challenges, and gut dysfunction!

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