Hi! My name is Dr. Peter Kan and I am a chiropractic physician who manages and supports patients with chronic conditions from a functional perspective.
I have good news to share with you. Many people in our community have suffered like you and found relief. You may have more energy, lose weight, end your hair loss and regain your life by unlocking the true underlying cause of your thyroid problem. The answer may lie in the getting the right tests, interpreting them functionally and following a very specific plan based on those results.
Here is something you may not know
Many thyroid patients that are on hormone replacement may not be addressing the root cause.
- Are you tired of running from doctor to doctor only to play “Russian Roulette” with different medications? “Here try this drug, that didn’t work? Try this one!”
- Are you tired of taking drugs that don’t fix the problem?
- Do you continue to struggle with chronic thyroid symptoms day in and day out?
- Here is a list of symptoms…
Symptoms of Hypothyroidism
- 1: Fatigue, tired, or sluggish?
- 2: Cold feet and/or hands?
- 3: Do you require excessive amounts of sleep to function?
- 4: Do you gain weight easily?
- 5: Do you have difficult or infrequent bowel movements?
- 6: Are you depressed? Do you suffer from depression?
- 7: Lack of motivation?
- 8: Do you suffer from morning headaches that wear off as the day progresses?
- 9: Do you suffer from thinning hair or excessive hair falling out?
- 10: Do you suffer from dryness of the skin and/or scalp?
- 11: Do you suffer from mental sluggishness?
- 12: Do you suffer from heart palpitations?
- 13: Do you suffer from inward trembling?
- 14: Do you have an increased pulse even at rest?
- 15: Are you nervous and emotional?
- 16: Do you suffer from insomnia?
- 17: Do you suffer from night sweats?
- 18: Do you have difficulty gaining weight?
Many individuals experience symptoms of thyroid disease and do not even realize that the experiences they are having could indicate a potentially dangerous complication. For example, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is an autoimmune disorder in which the patient’s immune system attacks the thyroid. If you have symptoms in both the hypo- and hyperthyroid categories, you may have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. In which case, the focus should be on the immune system, not the thyroid. (1) But first the right tests need to be run so we know the cause.
Interviews of Dr. Kan and his patients on NBC 12 AZ Midday, ABC 15 Sonoran Living, and Channel 3 Your Life A To Z
However, that is not usually done for the patient. Have you been told your labs are normal only to suffer with the same thyroid symptoms you had before you began hormone therapy? Did you know there are well over 20+ ways that your thyroid can go bad? And, only one of those ways will respond to typical replacement therapy.Are you aware that EVERY cell in your body has receptor sites for thyroid hormone? Are you aware that the most common cause of hypothyroidism is NOT a problem in your thyroid gland but in your immune system? (2)
Let’s talk about the thyroid gland a bit…
The thyroid “runs” our metabolism—it is the “gas pedal” of the body.
Thyroid hormones have direct effects on most organs, including the heart which beats faster and harder under the influence of increased thyroid hormones (this is why heart problems can often accompany chronic thyroid problems in women, and perhaps why heart problems are more common in women under the age of 50).
T3 is the more biologically active hormone (it’s more important for cellular function), and in fact most of T4 (80%) is converted to T3 in the body’s peripheral tissues. So T4 is just a precursor for the more active hormone, T3.
One of the problems in some thyroid disorders is that you may have trouble converting T4 to T3 in your tissues (have you been checked for this?). This can create a deficiency of T3, disrupting the body’s ability to properly regulate metabolism…leading to specific symptoms. This is just one of the 20+ ways you can have thyroid “symptoms”, yet the problem is not actually the thyroid gland itself.
Factors that can affect thyroid hormone function are often lifestyle and nutrition related, such as blood sugar imbalance, food sensitivity, leaky gut syndrome, vitamin D deficiency, physical and emotional stress, anemia, hormone imbalance, adrenal gland dysfunction, essential fatty acid imbalance, just to name a few. The problem is that conventional medical doctors are focused on drugs and surgeries and many of them lack training in nutritional management. In the typical 5 minute visit that you get with a medical doctor in a managed-care, insurance driven model of health care, there simply isn’t enough time for the doctor to spend with each patient on diet and nutrition, even if the doctor knows anything about it. Physicians trained in clinical nutrition and functional laboratory analysis, such as chiropractic physicians, fill this void left by our failing health care system.
Now don’t get me wrong, I will never tell you to stop your medication, you must work with your prescribing physician with your medication. However, there are lifestyle and nutrition imbalances that may need to be addressed if one is to recover from a thyroid condition. My methods do not replace medical management, they complement it.
There are some clinicians who are treating thyroid conditions with iodine. I do not recommend iodine in the treatment of thyroid conditions. According to renowned thyroid expert, Dr. Datis Kharriazian, author of the book, Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms?, using iodine to treat thyroid conditions is akin to throwing gasoline on a fire.
There is a better way!
Proper thyroid management requires first identifying the root causes such as food sensitivity, leaky gut, environmental toxicity such as heavy metal toxicity and pesticides, chronic infections such as viral infections, gut infections, SIBO, candida and parasites, and stress.
An effective program includes nutrition counseling and coaching to create sustainable nutrition intake, specific supplementation based on lab tests, targeted detoxification to reduce toxic burden, and lifestyle strategies to modulate stress response and enhance physical fitness.
Have your doctors done all of this in one integrated program that has been used with over 5,000 clients?
If you are still struggling with autoimmune symptoms despite your current treatment, it’s time to experience the NeuroMetabolic Integration difference!
Learn the BIG idea that is sweeping functional medicine and healthcare and is the key to solving chronic brain symptoms, immune challenges, and gut dysfunction!
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Want to work one-on-one with Dr. Kan?
Dr. Kan has a waiting list of 1-2 months and he does not accept all cases. Please email [email protected] with the subject line: New Client Case Review. Please include your name, state of residence, contact phone number, condition you are needing help with. Our team will get back to you and share more about how we work with clients through our innovative and time-tested program, we will answer any questions you may have, and if it’s a good fit we will get you scheduled with the doctor.
1. Kharrazian. Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms When My Tests Are Normal? 2010.
2. Bailleres. Autoimmunity and hypothyroidism. Clin Endocrin Metab, 1988 Aug;2(3):591-617