Start Your Journey


wɛl nɪs | noun

1. the quality or state of being healthy, esp. as the result of deliberate effort; health.
2. an approach to health care that emphasizes preventing illness and prolonging life, as opposed to emphasizing treating diseases

Your Client Experience Looks Like This:

Your NeuroMetabolic Case Review

We are determined to get to the root cause of your health issues.  Your history and health story is the most important piece of your health puzzle. With careful listening and detailed analysis of your previous medical records, we are able to help you gain the clarity you need, and point out blind spots often missed in conventional medicine. Based on your case review, we will be able to recommend the appropriate functional diagnostic lab tests to identify your areas of imbalance and deficiency and craft a plan for your health restoration. You will receive incredible value from this one visit alone.

Your Report of Findings

Once all lab results are in, we will go over your test result with granular detail and and relay to you not just the data, but the meaning of the test, as well as how and why that matters. You will receive a detailed report along with copies of all test results, but more importantly, a customized plan will be designed based on your lab result and your condition. You will be amazed with our attention to detail dedicated to studying and explaining your report. You will finally have answers, and a plan, and partnership to help you get lasting results.

Customized Eating Plan

Based on your initial assessment and lab findings, a customized meal plan and supplementation plan will be designed for you. This attention to detail allows us to ensure you are taking the right supplements and eating a balanced diet to address your nutritional needs. By creating sufficiency through diet you are ensured the best long term outcomes.

Customized Detoxification Plan

Unique bio-resonance testing through your saliva or urine sample allows us to identify the underlying toxins and infections impeding your progress. Custom made detox remedies stimulates the body’s own detoxification and healing processes safely and effectively.

Progress Tracking

What gets tracked gets better. Period lab tests and milestone visits with our doctor and nutritionists make sure that you are moving in the right direction as adjustments are made in your program in step with your progress.

Concierge Support

Did you ever wish that you could speak directly with your doctor?  Our goal is to provide exceptional service to you by providing you direct access to our professional team.  Get your answers quickly via phone, email or text.  Better access translates to better results.


You get access to our private members only Facebook group to get support from other like-minded clients going on your journey with you. Live and recorded training videos are posted regularly for lifestyle training and immersion. You will not be on this journey alone.

Long Term Relationship

By maximizing your health and vitality you are able to contribute and make a bigger impact in your home and community.  Enjoy the benefits of the NeuroMetabolic Integration Program for the rest of your life, as we build long term relationship with you and guide you to ever increasing levels of wellness and possibilities.

Learn the BIG idea that is sweeping functional medicine and healthcare and is the key to solving chronic brain symptoms, immune challenges, and gut dysfunction!

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