Thyroid Case Review Thank You

Thank you for requesting your NeuroMetabolic Integration Case Review appointment. Our team will be contacting you within 1-2 business days. I know you probably have been suffering with thyroid problems for a long time and you are rightly concerned and want to be seen soon. We will do everything in our power to leap frog you to the front of the list. Due to high demand for our services, we typically run a 4 week waiting period for new patients. In the mean time, please visit the testimonial section of our website to see what our patients has to say about their amazing health recovery. I look forward to duplicating the success with you.

Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist
Fellow American Association of Integrative Medicine
Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner

Learn the BIG idea that is sweeping functional medicine and healthcare and is the key to solving chronic brain symptoms, immune challenges, and gut dysfunction!

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