Heal your brain-immune-gut axis with the same clinical roadmap used in one of the top functional medicine practices.

Struggling with brain, immune, gut symptoms? You are not crazy. There is a reason and a roadmap.

For the first time, renowned functional medicine practitioner, Dr. Peter Kan, shares with the public the same clinical roadmap he has developed over more than a decade of research, and uses in his practice to support chronic conditions such as brain fog, fatigue, depression, anxiety, chronic inflammation, autoimmunity, leaky gut, food sensitivities, and digestive symptoms.

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In this Interactive NeuroMetabolic Roadmap, you will learn:

  • The major building blocks to restore health and function
  • The sequence and priorities to unlock your healing code
  • Dysfunction and targets to be aware of in each step of the roadmap
  • Includes bonus video of Dr. Kan walking you through each step of the roadmap.
  • Click on each step of the roadmap to reveal clinical priorities to address